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Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormones or a condition in which thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain important hormones.Low levels of thyroid hormone interfere with the body’s ability to perform normal metabolic functions such as efficient use of energy from food products, regulation of many chemical reactions in the body, and maintenance of healthy cells, bones and muscles. These hormones are produced by the thyroid gland, which is located at the front of the neck, just above where collarbones meet.

People of any age can get hypothyroidism, but older adults are more likely to get it. Women age 60 and older have the highest risk. You are more likely to get the disease if it runs in your family.

In Ayurveda, thyroid disorder is consider as Avatuka Granthi Vikara and the state of low secretions of thyroid hormone is described under galaganda and apachi (a non-suppurative swelling in the neck) caused by vitiation of Kapha and Pitta doshas.

As per Ayurvedic concept, due to undigested food and suppressed digestive fire, toxins or ama create and circulates in body along with plasma and makes Kapha dosha vitiated. Now, these toxins and Kapha dosha starts to coat the cells of the body, this begins to affect subtle channels or srothas. Due to the increased sticky and heavy qualities, rasa dhatu (plasma and lymph), kapha and ama starts coating on cell membrane of the tissues throughout the body including thyroid gland and affects the cellular intelligence, causing thyroid hormone receptors at the cellular level do not recognize the chemical structures of thyroid hormone cause aggravation of Pitta dosha.

Thyroid functions are controlled by the Pitta dosha. Pitta is responsible for the management of hormonal system of the body. All metabolic actions carried out by the thyroid hormones are a result of the Pitta dosha. Therefore, aggravation of pitta dosha cause decreased production, secretion and also decreased utilisation of thyroid hormones by body cells.


You may have one of these symptoms as your main complaint, while another will not have that problem at all and will be suffering from an entirely different symptom. Most people will have a combination of these symptoms. Occasionally, some patients with hypothyroidism have no symptoms at all, or they are just so subtle that they go unnoticed.
  • Hard stools or constipation
  • Increased sensitivity to cold temperature
  • Fatigue or feeling slowed down
  • Heavier and irregular menstrual periods
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Paleness or dry skin
  • Sadness or depression
  • Thin, brittle hair or fingernails
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain
  • Decreased taste and smell
  • Hoarseness
  • Puffy face, hands, and feet
  • Slow speech
  • Thickening of the skin
  • Thinning of eyebrows


Hypothyroidism can be caused by a variety of diseases and conditions. Most commonly, hypothyroidism is the result of inflammation of the thyroid gland, which can be due to iodine deficiency. However, other conditions may also cause the disorder. Some of them are:
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis : it is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system inappropriately attacks the thyroid tissue.
  • Medications : A number of medications can contribute to hypothyroidism. One such medication is lithium, which is used to treat certain psychiatric disorders.
  • Pituitary and Hypothalamic disease : Hypothalamus and Pituitary are the glands, situated in brain. Both glands are involved in the signalling pathways that control the function of the thyroid gland. Diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland can, therefore, affect the amount of thyroid hormone made and secreted by the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism due to pituitary disease is termed "secondary hypothyroidism".
  • Pregnancy: Some women develop hypothyroidism during or after pregnancy (postpartum hypothyroidism) often because they produce antibodies to their own thyroid gland. Left untreated, hypothyroidism increases the risk of miscarriage, premature delivery and preeclampsia — a condition that causes a significant rise in a woman's blood pressure during the last three months of pregnancy. It can also seriously affect the developing foetus.


As per Allopathic medicine, patient has to take THYROXINE hormones in form of tablets to get relief in symptoms of Hypothyroidism. The hormones that are meant to be naturally released by the body, now provided with artificial means pushes the body into lazy mode. Treatment with Thyroxine may provide excellent results period over a short but over time can lead to irreversible Thyroidal and metabolic damage. But, the Ayurvedic treatment of hypothyroidism at “Arun Ayurveda” focus on balancing the aggravated doshas along with improving digestion, eliminating the build up of toxins and cleansing the blockage of channels through natural medicines as well as customized diet and lifestyle plans. The aims of Ayurvedic treatment are :-
  • Production of natural Thyroid hormone i.e. Thyroxine
  • normal metabolic functions.
  • Alleviation of symptoms.
  • Good mental health.


According to Ayurveda, old rice, barley, moong dal, Bengal gram, cucumber, sugar caine juice, spinach, radishes, soybeans, peanuts, cauliflower are recommended to hypothyroidism patient.
  • Take adequate quantities of milk in your diet.
  • Eat fresh Fruits and vegetables as they are rich in fibres.
  • Take 8 to 10 glass of water per day to get rid of harmful toxins from the blood stream.
  • Put one cup of water into a copper vessel overnight and drink this water in the morning. This will help you to pacifying aggravated Khapha dosha. Which will further pacify tha aggravated Pitta dosha in hypothyroidism patient.
  • Avoid refined sugary foods such as sweets, candies, cakes, pastries, chocolates etc.
  • Avoid refined flour foods such as burger, patties, sandwich etc.
  • Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol and soft drinks.
  • Avoid sleeping at daytime, which aggravates Kapha dosha, responsible for decreased Secretion of thyroid hormones and non-recognition of thyroxin hormone by the body cells.
  • Avoiding fresh grains – Eat at least one year old grains.
  • Sour and heavy substances are contraindicated.Have your meals at regular timings and limit your overall intake.

  • Mix powdered long pepper (Piper longum / Pippali), dried Ginger root, dried Amla and Bark of Kanchanar tree (Bauhinia variegata) in equal proportion. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture with lukewarm water, thrice a day.
  • Mix powdered Licorice (mulethi) and Black Pepper in a 2:1 ratio. 1 teaspoon of this mixture with lukewarm water, three times e a day.
  • Constipation is often a huge problem for people who suffer from Hypothyroidism. Take one teaspoon of triphla powder (Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki) with water at night, it is helpful to balancing all the doshas of the body.

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