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Psoriasis is a non-infectious, non-contagious and prolonged inflammatory disease of the skin that causes erythromatous (reddish) plaques with large adherent silvery scales. The scaly patches on skin are called psoriatic plaques. It is the condition of excessive skin production or unusual proliferation of skin cells. Skin rapidly accumulates at these sites and takes a silvery-white appearance. It commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, in which body’s immune system send out faulty signals that speed ups the growth-cycle of skin cells and the condition become scaly skin. The following factors are also responsible for worsening the condition:
  • Consumption of opposite foods, such as fish and milk together.
  • Excessive consumption of sour and salty tastes i.e. pickle, curd etc.
  • Uses of Some kind of medicines and cosmetic products.
  • Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Mental stress or psychological trauma.

There are five types of Psoriasis :
  1. Erythrodermic – The skin redness is very intense and covers a large area.
  2. Guttate – Small, pink-red spots appear on the skin.
  3. Inverse – Skin redness and irritation occurs in the armpits, groin, and in between overlapping skin.
  4. Plaque – Thick, red patches of skin are covered by flaky, silver-white scales. This is the most common type of psoriasis.
  5. Pustular – White blisters are surrounded by red, irritated skin.

  • Raised, red patches of skin topped with loose, silvery scales.
  • Itching or burning skin
  • Joint swelling, tenderness, and pain
  • Skin pain and inflammation
  • Skin blisters may appear
  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
  • Genital lesions in males
  • Severe dandruff on the scalp
  • Nail changes, including thick nails, yellow-brown nails, dents in the nail
  • Emotional distress


In Ayurveda, Psoriasis is described under Kushtha roga as Sidhma Kushta. It occurs due to vitiation of VATA and KAPHA doshas. But, in some conditions Pitta dosha can also involve causing burning sensation over & around the psoriatic patches or plaques. Due to improper diet with aggravation of doshas, toxins creates and accumulates in deeper tissues like rasa (nutrient plasma), rakta (blood), mansa (muscles), and lasika (lymphatic). These toxins cause contamination of deeper tissues, leading to Psoriasis. The predominance of VATA dosha causes pain, dryness and scaling of skin. PITTA dosha vitiation leads to burning sensation, redness, inflammation etc and KAPHA dosha causes rashes, itching, discharge, thickening of skin etc.

According to ayurveda, unhealthy and irregular food habits, consumption of incompatible foods like dairy products with fish, excessive intake of yogurt, pickles, seafood, sour and salted items etc are the causes of production of toxins, which leads to Psoriasis and consumption of alcohol and tobacco act as a catalyst to it. Physical and psychological stress is also act as a Psoriasis triggers.

Therefore, the traditional Ayurveda treatment focuses on balancing the aggravated doshas, eliminating the build up of toxins or impurities through classical (Shastrokta) medicines as well as customized diet and lifestyle plans. In other words Ayurveda treatment focuses on

  • Purification of blood with all other involved tissues (Dhatus).
  • Rejuvenation of the complex systems of the skin and the nervous system (for Psychological stabilization) through and
  • Strengthening of the body immunization system.

Diet & Lifestyle for Psoriasis
  • Eat all type of green vegetable and fresh fruits (except acid fruits).
  • Avoid :-
  1. Non vegetarian food like red meat and eggs.
  2. Consumption of opposite foods (ex. Fish and Milk).
  3. Too much salty, sour or acidic foods and Vinegar.
  4. Radishes, curds, fish and other sour foods.
  5. Consumption of Alcohol, tea, coffee and Smoking.
  • Do not control natural urges like vomiting, urination, stool, etc.
  • Avoid sleeping in day time.
  • Do not take cold water bath immediately after sun exposure and heavy workout.
  • Do Yoga and meditation for stress free life.

Herbs commonly used in treatment of psoriasis
  • Garlic(Allium sativum) -It helps in purification of blood and get rid of toxins.
  • Turmeric – It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which are helpful in reducing pain and inflammation.
  • Neem – It is helpful in purification and detoxification of blood and other involved tissues. Neem is also helpful to enhance the immune system and neem oil is an antiseptic in itself, application of Neem oil reduces redness and itching of psoriatic lesions.

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