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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

When acid from the stomach leaks up into the gullet (oesophagus or food pipe), the condition is known as acid reflux. When we eat, food passes down the gullet (oesophagus) into the stomach. Cells in the lining of the stomach make acid (hydrochloric acid) and other chemicals which help to digest food. Stomach cells also make mucus which protects them from damage from the acid. But, the cells lining the oesophagus are different and have little protection from acid.

Secondly, there is a circular band of muscle (a sphincter) at the junction of the oesophagus and stomach. This relaxes to allow food down but then normally tightens up and stops food and acid leaking up (refluxing) into the oesophagus. In effect, the sphincter acts like a valve. When this valve fails and stomach contents are regurgitated into the esophagus, the symptoms of acid reflex are felt, such as heartburn. This condition is called Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD.



  • Heartburn: Heartburn is the main symptom of this problem. It is a burning feeling which rises from the upper tummy (abdomen) or lower chest up towards the neck. (It is confusing, as it has nothing to do with the heart!)
  • Other common symptoms:
  1. Sour taste in your mouth
  2. Chest pain
  3. Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
  4. Dry cough
  5. Hoarseness or sore throat
  6. Regurgitation of food or sour liquid (acid reflux)
  7. Sensation of a lump in the throat


The primary cause of GERD is that acid enters the esophagus because of a leaky valve. There are a variety of reasons it happens, but essentially the esophageal valve that connect the esophagus and stomach is unable to shut properly and gastric juices end up “sneaking up the pipe” so to speak. Some common causes include:

  • Eating before bed -Eating too close to bedtime and then laying down puts your body in a position that is abnormal for digestion which can cause acid reflux.
  • Excessive exercise – Doing lots of long distance cardiovascular exercise like marathons can make it harder to digest the food you eat.
  • Taking medications – Allopathic drugs like aspirin, ibroprofen, muscle relaxers, blood pressure medications, steroids and anti-biotic drugs can damage the gut lining causing acid reflux.
  • Being overweight or obese – Putting on extra body weight can cause acid reflux by increasing pressure on your esophageal valve and may also be linked to low stomach acid.
  • Smoking – Shown to damage mucus membranes, impair muscle reflexes, increase acid secretion, and reduce salivation smoking can lead to acid reflux.
  • Hiatal hernia – Normally, the diaphragm helps keep acid from rising into the esophagus. However, if the upper part of the gut moves above this muscle that separating the chest from the stomach, acid can leak through.
  • Pregnancy – The excess pressure from the growing fetus can sometimes be too much for the esophageal valve.


According to Ayurveda, when we eat something, Pachaka Pitta (digestive enzymes and acids) is secreted in the stomach for digestion of food due to stimulation of Vata. Kledaka Kapha (Mucus) is also secreted for softening of food and the protection of stomach-wall from hot, penetrating secretions of Pitta.

In GERD or acid reflux, Pitta is aggravated and the quantity of pachaka Pitta gets increased & change from normal bitter taste (alkaline) to sour (acid) taste. This aggravated Pitta or acidic nature start to erode the lining of stomach and also damage to the muscular elasticity of valve situated at the junction of the oesophagus and stomach, which leads to GERD.

The Ayurvedic treatment of Ayurkalp Ayurveda focuses on balancing the aggravated Pitta dosha through classical herbal medicines as well as customized diet and lifestyle plans.

  • Eat carbohydrate rich food as these are associated with no acid formation.
  • Take more and more water as precautionary measures to reduce syptoms of GERD.
  • Avoid Sour fruits & vegetables (citrus fruits, tomatoes, onion), pickles, oily and spicy foods, chocolate and excess intake of alcohol, tea or coffee.

  • Take meals in a relaxed mood at regular intervals.
  • If you are suffering from stress and tension try to overcome them by practicing meditation and yoga.
  • Take smaller meal

  • Indian Gooseberry (Amla) shows the calming effect on acidity.
  • Prepare a mixture of rock candy (mishri), fennel, and green cardamom. Whenever you have feeling of heartburn, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of cold milk.
  • Bananas are full of potassium and can help to reduce acid reflux if taken daily.
  • Drinking cold milk in small quantity after meals can help you to bring down acid reflux.
  • Tulsi leaves naturally cure symptoms of acid reflux as these reduce the formation of gas and burning sensation in the stomach and chest.
  • Eating of Jaggery subsides acid reflux.
  • Mix equal parts of powdered fennel, licorice root, basil leaves, and coriander seeds. Take ½ teaspoon of this mixture with ½ teaspoon of powdered rock candy (mishri) 15 minutes before lunch and dinner.

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